Sunday, October 12, 2008

Soccer and Snow

We've had some great laughs with the kids recently. First is Collin and his 'prowess' on the soccer field. He's been doing really good ... so good in fact that I need to bring in the reigns a bit. He scored a couple of goals last game and I kept telling him to get his teammates involved and help them score. So, the next time he was on a break away it was just him and the goal. He stopped, looked around, and then passed right to one of his teammates who then scored. He's been doing just awesome and we are all very proud of him.

The other big news is the dump of snow we had this weekend. Good thing it didn't hit while we were at the BYU game, but it did back home! Above is a home video of the kids enjoying some of the their first snow in a number of years (and for Hunter his very first!)

Kelli was having some pretty good contractions tonight so hopefully we are getting a bit closer :)

See ya!


Anonymous said...

Some great videos there! We sure do miss you guys and your cute little family.

Is it wrong that Hinckley and Belle like to watch the "Savannah Tantrum" video over and over?

Exciting when those contractions start coming. All the best for the labour and birth Kelli

xo H

The Whetstone Family said...

Exciting, can't wait to see the new little guy! Also, snow?!?!? Crazy! I wouldn't even know where to find our coats and hats! We're still wearing shorts!

Jen said...

did I miss a vote on a name somewhere? not that you usually want my opinion on names :) good luck kell and let me know where I can help. heard you guys had some fun times after the reunion! I am hoping to make Collin's game this weekend - what time is it at? I got to see these 7 goals
hang in there

Leanne said...

The snow looks great fun and what a great team player you are Collin. Good luck for a safe un- eventful birth of son number 3 cant wait to see him.Leanne

Ibbiamma said...

Hey cousins! Wow, youth soccer, that kid of yours reminds me of me. How lucky could you guys get? I hope all is well.