Sunday, June 7, 2009

Collin's Broken Arm :(

We experienced a slight misfortune over the weekend when Collin broke his arm playing baseball in the backyard. He was rounding third heading for home when one of the neighborhood boys got in the way and Collin ended up face planting on the patio concrete pad. One could tell it wasn't your normal 'owie' from the get-go. Soon he was in the instacare getting x-rays taken. He saw this first one and turned to Mom and said, "I saw those pictures and my arm is broken in two!"

Of course it was a picture of the two normal arms in your forearm. Yet, the side profile was a little more revealing and indeed showed a fracture of one of those forearm bones.

He was then taken to Zippes where he received his good boy ice cream and came home doped up on pain killer which made him a little happier. He slept with Dad on the couch last night and was back at it again today trying to play basketball left handed and even stepped up to the plate with his single good left arm -- batting from the left side of the plate. After smacking a few of Dad's heaters into the 'outfield' he humbly exclaimed, 'even with one arm I'm still good!' I guess it didn't take any of his confidence away :) Tomorrow he gets his cast and I'm sure all the neighborhood teenage girls will be the first to sign in. His best friend across the street even showed some sympathy by digging into their storage and putting on a sling of his own to show his support ... the next 6 weeks are going to pretty tough on the poor kid ...


Katja mit Fabian und Florian said...

Hi from Germany,

I found your blog by chance.

My son, Fabian, age 10, is wheelchair bound since he fell from a tree two years ago.

It was a very hard time for all of us after Fabians accident. The moment when the doctor told us, that Fabian is paralyzed and the moment when we must told him that he never walk again, was so terrible. Especially terrible was the day, when Fabian got his first wheelchair. I still cry when I saw him sitting in his wheelchair at the first time.

But Fabian is so brave! I am so proud of him.

Since his accident Fabian visits a school for special needs kids. All other kids in his class are disabled, too. The most kids must use a wheelchair, tree kids can walk with a walker / quad canes.

Every Saturday Fabian visits a sport group for children in wheelchairs. Two hours they play together in their wheelchairs. It is so funny for the kids.

Two month ago he got a new “Spidermann”-wheelchair.

If you are interest I will send you some photos of him before his accident and now in his wheelchair.

When Fabian was 5 years old, he broke his left arm. In hospital he get a full arm cast for nearly six weeks. All his friends signed his cast.

When the cast comes off, Fabian had a mulit colored work of art.

I hope all friends of Collin sign his cast and he will become a mulit colored work of art, too.

Perhaps you can post some photos of Collins signed cast.

I will be glad about a short answer mail.

Best wishes Katja

Jen said...

he is a trooper -- even was using his sling to help fling his arm harder on savannah with a mischievous laugh yesterday ;) Can't wait to see what he does with it being hard!