Saturday, November 10, 2007

One of my finer moments to the right ... just ignore me!!

We just returned from 'holiday' in the States and I finished our travel log ... but before incurring the rath of my beautiful wife (which has happened in the past mind you because I failed to do what I am going to do now!), I'm going to let her proof read/correct/revise/rewrite/redo the blog before posting it. And having just returned there are a 1,001 things to do, but this tag from Stacy looks like the most fun ... so I'll 'give it a go'.

8 Things You May Not Know About Me::::::::

1. I proposed to Kelli on a bluff in West Jordan at sunrise in Spring 2000, several years before the church announced they would build a temple on that very same location.
2. My favorite place to visit is Alaska -- reasons why?? I've caught a 25 lb king salmon, a bunch of halibut, watched humpback whales breach, ice fall from glaciers, bald eagles soar above the ocean cliffs, bears meander through the forest, seen monster moose with racks seemingly the size of my pinto Hyundai car and just plain relaxed ... an amazing, pristine place ... but don't tell anyone!
3. I almost didn't get to serve my mission in Russia because in the MTC we found out I didn't have an ACL in my right knee due to a soccer injury a year before --- the church let me go if I took it easy and didn't play sports ... a huge trial!
4. I have a hidden desire (well, at least it used to be hidden) to do an ironman triathlon -- but it might have to wait until I'm 50 when the kids are grown and I'm retired from the military so I'll have time (and energy!) to train for it. That would be an interesting sight, eh?
5. I've done a barrel role in an F-15, flown to Barrow, Alaska (northernmost point) in a C-130, and jumped out of an airplane 5 times.
6. Have a bad habit of biting my fingernails when I'm trying to concentrate (which I just caught myself doing while trying to think of something else to say!)
7. I did an internship at NASA where I met astronaut Rick Husband (later the commander of the Columbia shuttle which fell apart over Texas) ... and a couple of years later bought a home in Albuquerque from the brother of one of the other astronauts on the same Columbia flight.
8. Have the 3 cutest kids in the world! (and craziest! ... and most stubborn! ... personal opinion of course!)

Tag to Steve Palmer and THE beautifulest, most patient wife, Kelli!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I just learned a ton about you. Thanks for doing the tag. Glad you guys made it back okay.