Monday, October 6, 2008

Full Term!

Well, thanks to those who voted for our baby's name. And especially thank you for out-voting Stinky Doo-Doo. Hunter will be disappointed, but I'm sure he will be using it for a nickname. In case you didn't guess, Collin would like the baby to be named Jett. Trey is one the adults in the house are tossing around. I guess we'll have to wait and see...

We are officially full-term with this pregnancy. For most people, that means the baby could come at any time and be healthy. For us, it means our baby will come in about 4-5 weeks. Who knows, though, we could get a miracle! (Please just wait until I get the Halloween costumes done and Jessy is done travelling!!! But if you really must come now...okay!!)

Since the last post, Collin and Savannah both had their first field trips of the school year--Collin on a nature walk to the Ogden River Parkway, and Savannah to the Ogden Nature Center and the Treehouse Museum (or Moo-seum, as she still insists on saying). They both loved their adventures.

The Lindsay side of the family had a family reunion last week and it was fun! The mountains in Park City (and on the drive there), were pretty with the fall leaves and once we got there it was non-stop cousin time--yea! In fact, we didn't see Savannah hardly at all on Saturday and she had a blast with her distant cousins.

We travelled to Salt Lake again this week for my grandma's funeral. She had a massive stroke two weeks ago. I'm so glad we went to the funeral because it gave me a different perspective on her life--it's funny that you don't really realize that people had a life before you knew them (like your parents or grandparents). It was fun to hear the memories of her from her children and see the slideshow put together by Keith.

This weekend was fun--Grandma and Grandpa Whetstone came up Friday and Chris came Saturday. Grandpa helped Jessy in the basement, we watched General Conference, went for a drive in the canyon, and maybe most importantly, watched Collin in his soccer game. We love having them here and hope they didn't go home with more than they came with!!

As for Collin's soccer game--this week he estimates to have scored about 7 goals (it was around there--we all lost count). Lucky for me, I got one on tape. Between Savannah in my face, Hunter on my lap, and the fast pace of the midget-sized game, I don't always get the camera on in time (like when Collin did a goal kick to himself and took the ball all the way downfield for a goal). On Saturday, his team really beat up on the other team (other kids on our team scored, the other team didn't get a goal), but the other team didn't seem to mind much.

I should probably go back to bed.


Anonymous said...

I would vote for Stinky Doo-Doo but there are too many mean nicknames that can be made from it.

Instead I firmly stand by my vote for Indiana!

Pleeeease? Indiana would seriously think you guys were the coolest parents ever. I'm sure he will any way but come on...!


The Whetstone Family said...

Congrats on being full term! When's your due date? It went so fast (probably not for you!).

Leanne said...

Im very sorry to hear about your Gran. I bet she was glad to have you home close again and to know you had settled in well.
I voted for the name Jett but I quite like Holly's choice Indiana sounds good and you have already started the trend of naming children after places. Luv Leanne