Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Rumor has it that my sister-in-law Stacy saw a package of cookies at Target. It was labeled as "Tim Tams" and also had "Australia's favorite cookie." She said they looked like the Tim Tams we sent them. If they look like Tim Tams and they sound like Tim Tams... This could be a dream come true (especially since Jessy doesn't know that Savannah and I just ate half of our last package!!). Good bye, New Year's Resolutions. Hello, Tim Tam slam!!


Delightful Domestic Science said...

if it's not true email me your address and we'll hook you up right away (in exchange for some HV ranch of course ;-)

Delightful Domestic Science said...

PS pretty sure "post partum ladies" are exempt from new years resolutions!

Stacy said...

I heard that Peppridge Farm was releasing them to Target only for a limited time - due to the movie Australia. Hopefully they realize that a limited time should never end. How cool is that?!!!!

kseal said...

These are the BEST with hot chocolate. Of course, we've only ever had them from Aussie friends and since Target is allergic to the border, we'll rarely see them.

Resolution still in tact. Now where did I put those cursed baby carrots? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a fresh supply , coming your way. Leanne