Monday, December 17, 2007


After posting the blog last night, I had a few random afterthoughts. Savannah just came in to inform me it is spitting (sprinkling rain) outside. Last night we went on a walk, just like the night before, because Collin wanted more "cherries." There is a huge mulberry tree along the trail, right next to the lemon trees Grandma and Grandpa Whetstone found. They are SO YUMMY!!! (And extremely messy.) There is also a peach or apricot tree there... We ate some berries and then played at the park and then headed home to finish our loop. It wasn't until we got to the bridge right by our house that we realized we couldn't cross because of the construction--it's only open on the weekends. So we had to backtrack and it made for a long walk. Savannah was on her bike and after going up one of the hills she announced she was puffed out. Jessy had never heard that phrase but I heard it a lot playing tennis. She also told us at one point where it was a little stinky that someone had done a poff-off (pop-off?). You can guess what these things mean... And, last but not least, Jessy will never brag, but he came home Friday with a soccer trophy for the Golden Boot (most goals scored) for his work soccer league. YEA, Jessy!! He gave it to Collin, since Savannah had gotten her netball trophy the day before and Collin has slept with it every night since.


Stacy said...

Good on ya Jess!!!

Kelli - I am so sorry to hear all that you are dealing with. The joys of being a mother I suppose. Keep up the good work. They are very well adjusted happy kids - so you are definatley doing something right!!!

Stacy said...
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Kevin said...

Good on ya Jess! A golden boot award! I think you should paint your car trunk gold to show off! Then when people ask you why your boot is gold you can tell them about your award! Ha ha! Ok, that was a dumb joke but I couldn't resist.

Jones Fam said...

Actually that's quite funny, Kevin -- I don't think my little Hyundai excel could get much worse -- the young men already make fun of me that I'm driving a girl's car ... might as well paint the boot gold!