Monday, December 31, 2007

Hotter than @%&*!!

Sorry about that title. I was thinking of a nice one like "Warm Thoughts" or something equally cheesy, but there is nothing nice about the weather we are experiencing at the moment. Here's a link for anyone interested: Heatwave hits Adelaide, and keep in mind that they use Celsius here, so 29.9C=86F and 41.5C=107F. Yesterday was do the math! For the Hutchinsons: are you sure you still want to come?
PS: We live in the northern part of Adelaide and inland, so there was no relief for us last night!


Stacy said...

Sorry to hear about the heat wave!! UGG!!! Hopefully it will break before we venture to your neck of the woods. What do you do to stay cool?

Jones Fam said...

Funny you should ask...Jessy was working on the answer to that probably as you asked it!