Wednesday, July 2, 2008

And the newbie is a...

Well, after Jessy's bout with kidney stones and my first appointment (they do ultrasounds and put them on DVD every time you go to the doctor/midwife here), we were pretty convinced we were having a girl. Combine that with the smoothest pregnancy and the least active baby so far, and I was more than sure that we were having a girl--a mellow baby girl. UNTIL we went in for the real ultrasound Monday and learned that our little girl is a BOY!!! The ultrasonographer was 100% sure that it's a boy. She saved the gender-looking for the end and regretted it. She had to pound (I am serious!), on my stomach for quite some time to get the baby to move. I asked if I should roll over or anything to get the bub to move, and she glanced up at me and said, "What, you don't like my methods?" She eventually got a quick peek at his nether-region and pronounced that we're having a boy and immediately turned off the machine. Kinda crazy. Don't get me wrong, she was really nice and everything but it was an unusual ultrasound for me. So Jessy and I spent the time on the drive home thinking of names. None yet. I had a girl's name all ready. But I'm still excited for another baby and I'm hoping this one bucks the trend of coming a week later than his predecessor--three weeks late would be a little too much! (I get the feeling they don't let you go more than a few days over here in Utah--I'm considered some type of higher-risk pregnancy because Hunter was 9 lbs. 11 oz. (4.4 kg)).

On to other news, we are very excited to be in our new house and actually hooked up to the internet again!! YEA!!! We love the house. Since we moved in with little more than our suitcases and some bedding, card table, and chairs borrowed from family, we are enjoying our empty space. We got appliances Monday, and internet, new windows, and our "fast shipment" today. So, with a fridge, our bikes, and some pots and pans, I think we're set. The people here have been great. Our new ward was very excited to welcome us and have brought us dinner the past two nights as well as tonight. We have had several neighbors drop by to welcome us to the neighborhood--some with cookies or cakes, some peddling their babysitting abilities. Our first day here was "Founder's Day" for the city, so they lit fireworks off at the school just down the hill. It was nice to sit on our porch and have front-row seats to the show. What a welcome!!! With little inside the house, we've spent a good deal of time outside. We planted a garden (we'll see if anything comes from it), and have filled a huge garbage can with weeds. Savannah and I spent several mornings this week out there until it got too hot. I'm sure Jessy will have more to post later, but I thought I'd give everyone a head's up on the baby news!


The Whetstone Family said...

Congrats! We were hoping for some more pink, but he'll be in good company. We have so many boys on both our sides, it's crazy!

Stacy said...

Yeah! Congrats! So glad you guys are settling in too. Hopefully the rest of your stuff arrives soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh my--We will love another boy!

Anonymous said...

I guess I am anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations guys, welcome back to the homeland. Jess, I hope you're feeling better. Which e-mail address are you using now?

Anonymous said...

What great news! Boys are great! Savannah will have her hands full keeping all those little brothers in line :-)
Miss you guys!
xo Holly

Anonymous said...

PS Would love to see some photo's of your cute baby tummy Kelli.

Leanne said...

Hi love your page its great you are very clever. congrats on your baby news and good luck Savannah on your first day at school.
Leanne keely & Savannah senior